Page 86 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 86

and being scarred or tainted in any way by it. It is just a support or a mere stage for the unfolding and display of God’s creation. That is also the concept of the backing or Base given by the Master as I understood.
The womb of deep space unalloyed inspires us with the idea of ‘void’ or ‘nothingness’ and here space itself as ordinarily conceived is also transcended. No wonder the ‘state of space’ is called by the Master as the highest condition, the final state of negation. It is truly indescribable but peculiarly it can be intuitively experienced or imperienced like the ‘space within the heart’.
The above description of akasha matches with the ideas we associate with the Absolute and in fact the Master declares that to be the Absolute. It is not composed of particles, is perfectly pure and unalloyed.
The Master says that Time is avakasha or duration; it is the creation of space and is widely different from it. The universe is the manifestation of Time whereas God is the manifestation of space. When there was no creation and only the Absolute was present, there was no Time. When the idea of creation got enlivened in the Base, it was perfectly free from everything and due to the action of motion got transformed into power with its tendency directed towards action. But it was in need for a base or field for the action. This was in the form of the intervening pause between the Original Thought and subsequent Being. This brief ‘pause’ between cause and effect is called ‘Duration’ or ‘Time’ which served as the field for action. Time got merged in the power and became itself the power for actions towards creation. It is observed in general that when the thought becomes deep it creates a pause as if it were pregnant with a great force.
In the case of the Centre, there is no question of depth as there is perfect uniformity there and there is no velocity of force directed towards action, as there is no mind possessed by the Centre. We too have a share of this power of the pause but according to our limited capacity. To utilize this power it is necessary to merge it in the greater power of the Centre. Yogis of caliber use their strong will power to bring it down to the earth for utilizing in nature’s works. Even a Megaton bomb is nothing in comparison with the power of Time or Kaal and modern science does not know how to utilize this power. The yogi at the height of his ascent is always with it consciously or unconsciously. The Master says in conclusion that the science of physics is incomplete without the knowledge of this great power which is at the root of all powers.
We may note in this connection that the Special Personality is allotted the

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