Page 91 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 91

The principle of parallelism is one of the key principles of the philosophy of the Natural Path and the Master declares that it is the secret of Nature which He is revealing to humanity in order to bring people to a full understanding of the real meaning of Divinization of man, which is the sacred Mission of the Revered. Master Himself in accordance with the dictates of the Divine.
The Master states that in the beginning i.e., only the divinity existed in its original condition with everything merged in it in essence form. The process of manifestation started with Kshoba which stirred up a churning movement in the sphere of latent motion. This line of action though in perfect consonance with the Divine appeared somewhat different in its outer aspects as it had taken a somewhat different course towards manifestation. This may be called the line of humanity as it got closely associated with the formation of man. Both the lines are now in action running side by side parallel to each other. But since creation was the primary object at its root, the line of humanity began to acquire predominance in every thing and even man began to assume tangible form though it was very subtle in the beginning. The line of humanity became the basis of the entire structure including all creation in it. However all the while the line of humanity was and is subject to the control of the line of divinity. The proper working of the line of humanity is not possible without the support of the Divine, which is at its root. As Revered Dr K.C.Varadachari puts it, ‘God and man are parallel in creation, God is the inner unchanging, continuous line and Man or the line of humanity is the parallel to it but with a kind of changes, actions and reactions, rings or chakras and also grossening of the entire original force and these grossenings have been moulded in a particular formula. Though this is so, the line of divinity is a support for the evolution of humanity or manifestation’. Further he says ‘God is with us, with each one of us, as a straight parallel, of which we are a curved parallel or a modified parallel, and that is a grossening of the line of humanity. But the line of divinity remains untainted’. (CW1 p190-1)
The Master describes the process of grossening of the line of humanity as follows. Activities went on multiplying and man along with everything else began to assume grosser and grosser forms. In course of time the jerks caused by actions and reactions brought about variations and contradictions. Heat and cold had their own role to play in promoting emergence of diverse forms and man became the conglomeration of all things in nature as all these things entered into his composition. Today it has been discovered that all created things and especially living organisms from a single cell to the human being have the same basic structural and genetic organization, the difference being only in degree of complexity and purposive or goal-oriented self- organization. Man is a magnificent super-organism built as an agglomeration of trillions of variegated cells all found in Nature as constituting simpler

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