Page 99 - Wisdom Unfurled
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that it can be said that he has secured complete knowledge of the knot. It can be said then that the person has become jnani up to that knot.
Revered. KC Narayana, while commenting on this in Path of Grace, states that each knot in its real nature is an expression of divinity or divinity has expressed like that in that knot. There is an original divine purpose behind the expression of each knot and thus one has to ponder over the causal centre of each knot and merge in that realm to have full knowledge of that knot. This will facilitate his expressing himself as an offshoot of the divine in so far as that knot is concerned. The Master makes an interesting point here when He says that the knowledge thus gained at the different states helps by infusing the aspirant with a longing for the search of the Ultimate.
The interested reader is invited to read the book ‘Path of grace’ referred to earlier for further illumination on the subject of the various states of super- consciousness which open to the sincere devotee who has surrendered totally to the Divine Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj. The Great Master Himself showed the practical possibility of living in the highest possible state of complete ignorance or total negation open to the human being.
His life was an open book and showed that a God-realized person does not sit in a corner enjoying his own state of beatitude but comes out into the wide world and unceasingly works for the spiritual betterment of his fellow beings in the spirit of brotherhood and sacrifice. He prepared during His sojourn on this earth and is still preparing noble men and women through His chosen instrument so that they can abide in the higher realms of super-consciousness and thereby serve their fellow beings in the real sense.
Knowledge and Ignorance
There is an interesting observation made by the Master when He says that knowledge and ignorance are the extremities of the same thing. They are not irreconcilable opposites. We all think that we are ignorant and want knowledge to remove the ignorance, so that we can act properly, live sensibly and rationally. The Upanishadic seers have used the words avidya (ignorance) and vidya (knowledge) in a sense that differs from the way Master uses them. The traditional meaning attributed to avidya is that which makes for the perpetuation of bondage and even considered anadi, without beginning whereas vidya is the knowledge which liberates and paves the way for the individual soul to know its real nature and attain to the supreme goal of union with the supreme Self. Ignorance is said to prevail when we do not know how to act properly or adequately to meet a situation. Ignorant does not mean that the person has not read but that he is not able to translate that knowledge in a way that would answer the requirements of the situation in a practical way. For instance the person may know all there is to know about the law of

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