Page 242 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 242

reach it despite all family problems – my son doesn’t obey me, my daughter doesn’t obey me, she runs away, my wife puts me into lot of debts, my husband is a spendthrift, there is no end to this list. You can go on adding up but these are not the problems, that we are trying to solve. The problem that we are trying to solve is the problem of existence itself. Let me not feel that I am an independent fellow. Let me feel that I am dependent upon that Ultimate, upon Him, who is the substance behind everything. If we can understand this, that goal clarity is there.
But regarding our problems, we seek remedy from different quarters. Thus we end up having umpteen number of Gods and that is the reason we have so many gods. One God for this relief, another God for some other relief. This goddess Lakshmi can give me money and that goddess Saraswathi can give me wisdom. You have to differentiate because of functions, because of lack of goal clarity. Because we do not know what we are seeking. We sought all these. If we seek ‘That’ by which everything is also got, then this question does not arise. Do we get everything else we may not have. As Rev. Babuji himself has put it, if you are going to get merged in God, Omniscience, you

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