Page 75 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 75

superficial impurities or dirt that are caused by lack of control over the senses, such as laziness, sloth, attraction to trivia and giving up impulsive tendencies towards sensory pleasures.
Vikshepa means the unreal projections of desires for enjoyment, such as greed avarice, jealousy and others.
Avarana means the layers of grossness due to past Samskaras or impressions in the five layers of our being named as Physical, Vital, Mental, Aspirational and Ecstatic (Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya) which drag a person down through formation of the Antahkarana (Inner Apparatus that moves from one life to another called as Jiva) and form as a barrier for the Union between man and God which is the primary right of every human being.
How then are we to get rid of these impurities? What is the role of the aspirant and what is the extent to which he can rely on the help of the Master or the trainer?

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