Page 47 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 10
P. 47

Living in Nothingness
 2. We are going through many adjustments and reconfigurations at this time, as we assimilate the energy of Pranahuti. The highly sensitive ones are feeling this in a very intense way. We have been residing in the void for quite some time now. How do you know if you are currently in the void and what are its attributes? It is an in between place that we maintain, as we are finishing up a lot of the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical work we perform. Void has positive and negative aspects. Void positively is what we imperience. Negatively we know we are in the void if we are unable to start many new projects or even finish up some of the things we have on hand. There are many delays and hold ups. It reminds me of a dream that I used to have and also many aspirants shared similar dreams with me, where we are running in place but cannot seem to get to our destination.
3. My personal experience makes me assert that void is not a negative space. It is neutral energy, unless we place a lot of expectations and demands on ourself and life. It can be very frustrating and anxiety producing. There seems to be a lot of limitation and emptiness. If we can kind of let go, go with the flow and let things unfurl in its own time and way, it would be really beneficial for our peace of mind and wellbeing. When we do get stressed, it is better to forgive ourself and know we are doing the best we can.
4. While passing through the stage of Vairagya we find that in many of our relationships we feel a disconnect with

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