Page 49 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 10
P. 49

Living in Nothingness
 becoming or already are highly sensitive. We are chiselling through our armour and coming face to face with our most vulnerable, delicate selves. As we release the density of our unconscious ways, gain inner awareness, forgive, love, let go, make healthier choices, etc. we are becoming lighter. Most of the new children are born without these barriers of limitation. They cannot even conceive of the way we previously lived our lives. I understand from my doctors that the H1N1 virus is an example of the sensitivities we are now facing. Skin rashes, breakouts, asthma, colds, food and environmental allergies are at an all-time high. We cannot ignore the need for good care and the use of quality products. We are being guided to be gentle with ourselves.
6. Being in this void can feel lonely at times. It can invoke feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction, impatience and just plain pure boredom, sometimes, with spurts of upheaval. We can utilize this period by trusting that this will not last forever. We should just be at peace with where we are at, remain present in the moment. Appreciate and enjoy the quiet and slower pace. We are being rewired and realigned to adapt with ease into this new energy. Many opportunities are being aligned behind the scene. If we try to push it quicker than it is meant to be its like showing up a day too early for a party. We are all dressed up; all ready for a good time, knock on the door and become disappointed when no one is home to answer the door.

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