Page 129 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 129

does not throw up any frontier, which was unknown to us earlier, its practical significance in sadhana is little. As a piece of poetry it has its merits and I am least competent to talk of that.
Sandhya is nothing new to us; we have known its value in practice. But when we come across Rev. Babuji‘s interpretation of that in the first commandment, actually we are asked to also think about the concept of TAM which was brought in that context. That is what it is. You can reach only when you start your meditation at dawn and not at any time you like. Not in the way in which you want. There is no rigidity but it is a necessity. It is an imperative. Between rigidity and necessity we must understand the difference. It is imperative that you must meditate at that time of Dawn. People take exemptions unwarrantedly and give excuses. Don‘t try to justify your lapses. It is good to know your lapses. Lapses are there and are bound to be there. If you know that perhaps you should take recourse to the 10th Commandment. There is no question of saying that it is unjustified Commandment. I am not going to say that we are not following the

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