Page 111 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 111
would reveal the base ground of human integrative oneness- the calm that abides. He states further that ̀³the path towards this integration is not limited to the cognitions of the mind, but rather the attainment of the integration at the level of super consciousness. This has been said to be the process of becoming unified in oneself and getting the processes of getting divided. This is yoga. He asserts that Yoga is strictly scientific methodology to arrive at real awareness; thus we find Yoga as a means of knowledge. The knowledge thus arrived at he called Imperience.
Dr. K.C.Varadachari broadly adhering to the tradition to which he belongs defines the term harmony as a rhythm of relationships in a way similar to how the diverse parts of the human body work together. The theme is larger than the term. So, when he speaks of the theme of harmony we refer to a series of connections, expressions, goals and components of the theme, such as beauty, unity, and concord. As an echo we find this theme reverberating in his works, always elucidating the rationale for living together: to be of one mind and 100