Page 113 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 113
either in singular or plural marks out the path to that center of human life with the linking of prayer and of communion. The prayer of the system as explained by Dr.K.C.Varadachari is offered from the heart and reveals how one‘s deepest desires find expression in the words of prayer. Contact with God in the heart enables one to recognize the diversity of divine presence in others from which a communion emerges. As a gift of God, this communion is symphonic and is created through the convergence of interiority, where two inner horizons meet. The craving of the soul is met midway by the yawning Centre. That is the Reality at Dawn.
Obviously this implies the prayer at 9 P.M. In this prayer the collective identity of the ―I‖ in the ―we‖ and the ―we‖ in the ―I‖ - the ̳anima una‘ in its global dimension -- emerges and needs to be fully felt in the Satsanghs. Then we understand the beloved Master, is the ultimate horizon of Oneness that is both transcendent and immanent.
We may remember that the Natural Path itself is a gift to meet the challenge of materialism which is