Page 168 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 168
we have become, the person of substance, the individual who knows where he is going and what he is doing. A new aura of success appears around us and soon, because of this positive attitude and the faith we have in us and the Master, wonderful things come into being for us. But for this to happen we need to practice and the old adage holds true: ―Practice makes perfect.‖ From morning until night, from waking time to sleep time, practice! Practice! And Practice constant remembrance! Everyone has moments of depression when he loses self- confidence in himself, in what he is doing. Then he needs to retrace his steps and return to the first positive thoughts and assertions. Prayer which reminds us of the goal grants us back the power and strength to accomplish the goal of human life.
The demolition of our past has several stages as already hinted. In the book Path of Grace we have looked at the same process in a positive way as to how the aspirant moves into higher and higher regions progressively. In a sense we looked at this problem of demolition of our structures as removal of