Page 202 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 202
Master on the same lines as Lord Sri Krishna asks us to address the Kriyaman and Agami karmas by i. dedicating everything to the divine ii. Acting as though every act of ours is in accordance with the divine will or command iii. Treating all relationships as a matter of trusteeship iv. By living like a duck unattached and unsoiled by attachments.
This he assures ensures no formation of further samskaras. He addresses the problem of Prarabdha through the method of purification he has given and also the meditational practices. Thus one who follows the system properly with the help of Pranahuti sessions from competent persons is sure to be free from the cycle of births.
Our actions then are the means by which we are to liberate ourselves from the bondages as contrasted to those who renounce action and seek liberation. But this should not be construed to mean that we should be busy always in some activity or the other. Master asserts that ―The only method can be one that I have described above. One must go on reducing the activities, shaking off all superfluities