Page 239 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 239
WE ARE and WE are NOT as also WE are NOT and WE ARE
many more people on the planet than we ever did, and we are using up resources much faster than we ever did and we are impacting our environment so much more than we ever did, and we developed our technology for weapons of mass destruction, which are now in the hands of wild and strange characters makes life less secure, less reliable, and less predictable than it has been in the past. And this uncertainty about the future has been an important factor in precipitating collective awakening.
̳We are and we are not‘ as also ̳we are not and we are‘ or translucent living can also be understood wrongly as a way of avoidance. That is because when we realize that every thing is overwhelming and the only way out seems to be to go inward. But that is not so as we see in the way in which our Masters lived and many more are living in this manner even as the profound mystics and prophets lived in the past- be it Lord Buddha or Lord Christ. Human beings have always had awakenings, just not in such large numbers as we see today. That is one of the most important things that are to