Page 241 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 241
WE ARE and WE are NOT as also WE are NOT and WE ARE
Rev. Babujisā system is not any continuation of the old systems but one which gathers into it the wisdom of the past and presents a way of life which may be justly considered as the beginning of a new era of spirituality. The system is for the ordinary house holder who participates in every activity that is just and sanctioned by the society expressing their relationships in an enlightened manner. Master asserted that he is not restricted to India but his message is for the world. His is a method that integrates the awakening that is associated with oriental traditions, and the dynamic capacity for action that is associated with the Western cultivation of the psyche. When you look at those who are awoken in this way in the Natural Path we find that they have a kind of glowing appearance. An enlightened person is someone who has awoken deeply enough to who he is really and whose personal agenda of desires and fears and aspirations are semi-transparent. He is no longer opaque and there is no secret with him.