Page 242 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 242
One may wonder whether what I say is something that is possible at all: we have been told that to be a Jeevan mukta is not easy and as a matter of fact certain philosophers have said Jeevan Mukta is a myth and Videha mukti alone is possible. That meant to throw away the possibility of this superior sort of living to the realm of the dead. As was stated above now a days there are more enlightened persons but they do not think so unfortunately judging by the standards and parameters that are not applicable today- as they say myths die hard. Realisation is possible for all and that is what Master asserts. True it was considered impossible earlier but with the Advent of the principle and process of Pranahuti things have changed. We can understand this by taking the example of the proverbial ̳four-minute mile‘. The four-minute mile was considered impossible for human beings. It was a benchmark that was thought as just beyond the capacity of any human being to achieve, until Roger Bannister managed to run the four-minute mile in 1953. And since then, the four- minute mile has become the standard benchmark for