Page 278 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 278
Brahmanda Consciousness will not be any more the realm of mystics alone but it will soon be the consciousness of ordinary human beings of the coming days. Such transrational thinking will consciously and intentionally tap the infinite resources and knowledge of the Universal Mind. Such a Mind will understand that
I. There is a basic unitary reality underlying all existing phenomena or entities and this reality is pure potentiality (it can be what it is conceived to be).
II. All the mental and physical individual forms of our world are manifestations or actualizations of that reality.
III. Through our Individual Mind we can access any information actually existing in our world or potentially residing anywhere in Reality.
If there is one thing that is important for us to know, it is that every thought, even the most insignificant, is a living reality. Thoughts can even be