Page 291 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 291
and elaborated but not contradicted in the teachings. Rejection of dogma is considered heresy in certain religions, and may lead to expulsion from the religious group. This fear of expulsion from the religious group makes many aspirants who have direct awareness to some sacred knowledge trying to somehow paste it on as the new interpretation of the dogmas. This fear makes them not proceed further in the path.
However it must be noted that the dogmas of Hinduism are formidable. The theory of rebirth, the theory of Karma and the theory of Mukti are the three most important dogmas through which Indian philosophy has been made subservient to ethics and religion. The influence which these dogmas have over the moral and religious well-being of the Indian people cannot be overestimated. Not all Indians are believers in God, not all of them believe in prayers, divine grace, or devotion as the best mode of approach to God, but all of them believe in these articles of faith. They have thus held together the entire relgio-moral fabric of the Hindu-Buddhist-