Page 293 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 293
But in reality they were only trying to dilute their valid, valuable and authentic awareness gained in the new path. All this is due to fear of the organisation to which they formally belong branding them as ―heretics‖ for daring to put forward an experience or Imperience different from the accepted notions of the organisation. It is history to state that the voices of genuine seekers who differed from the Organisation to which they belonged getting ̳booed‘and silenced. ̳Mobacracy‘ has its own way of success and the power of the mob is formidable. It is very few that resist the oppression of the majority. However the institutional opinions always prevailed and this is one of the misfortunes of humanity that dogmas prevail over truth.
Though dogmas dominate the organisations of spirituality, Godmatics have always found the scripture providing them a more refreshing, honest, open,spiritual, loving and exciting way to be a follower of the Path. Those who are ̳Godmatic‘ or real seekers have a style of faith that is free, open and creative; one does not have to be told