Page 88 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 88
shape the entire being, of the abhyasi for the experience and realisation of one's oneness with the Ultimate and experience it in one's own physical, vital, mental and supramental levels - called by Shri Ramchandraji, the Pinda, Brahmanda, Para Brahmanda and Central Regions working under the direct force of the Centre".
Shaping of the entire being or moulding ourselves thus means a total integral and holistic transformation in our way of living. We are aware that during meditation we do go into very deep states and some times we are at the gross level. Broadly we may say that from the ego centric awareness to ethnocentric awareness is the normal mode of meditation of many of the meditators. However we do seem to enter to cosmic and pan cosmic or para cosmic levels of consciousness. And surprisingly in almost all the sincere meditations we do we enter into a state of Tam or Total Ignorance as Rev. Master calls it. This is the one imperience that impels us to continue our meditation even as