Page 95 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 95
determined to realise Reality through thought if possible if not through being itself. In one sense then being becomes the mode by which Being can be apprehended or grasped or made real to oneself. This is the meaning of anu-bhava, which may be properly translated as imperience rather than experience. It is an in-tuition rather than intellection or discursive and dichotomic dialectic.‖ Imperience is then a state of being and is not something restricted by the realm of thought, leave alone words.
While explaining the Goal we have to attain, he stated that ―We have to go beyond the Jiva and beyond the Brahman to a condition that is neither thought nor motion. Those who say thought is motion are speaking nonsense. And those who maintain that motion has no thought are also speaking nonsense. They almost came together. They are like time and space, the two coordinates of existence. This is the picture which our Master gives. It is simple provided you rise up to the point of perception by imperience with the help of the Divine cosmic.‖