Page 100 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 100

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
and women are one’ s brethren. The stabilisation of the fraternal consciousness happens by this meditation and one is able to come out of these attachments quite easily.
iii) But our relationships with other fellow beings is also a major reason for some miseries which we encounter while practicing 7th commandment. In relation to this aspect Master gives a clue in his work of Reality at Dawn, “This (miseries) is all the creation of the human mind which results from our ignorance of the right relationship of things. Our passions, emotions and impulses too contribute a good deal in aggravating the troubles and at times cause fierce tempest strong enough to threaten a complete wreck.” ( Dawn of Reality-28). Here He is asking us to understand the basic theme of interdependency. The basic life forces kama and krodha determine the tone and tenor of our relationships with others. Krodha is basically a protective instinct of survival and it determines the kind of relationship we have with others, be it friends or be it foes. The other factor Kama determines our relationship with the opposite gender and the people connected with it. If these two are not moderated then we are in troubles. Here we should acknowledge that if we practice point A & B meditation then it is quite easy to understand the interdependeny quite well apart from moderation of the urges that we may have, since it is easy for the trainer to divert the flow to Atman through Pranahuti if one assiduously practices meditation on Point A.

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