Page 98 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 98

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
about its creator, the God. It is a pure expression of the Divine giving happiness to others free from the fear of decay , prominence or possessions. From this analogy it can be understood that unconscious or natural tendency to follow the cosmic order or rta can be considered as a sign of freedom. Here one lives to be happy and make others happy. A true representative of the Master and in the language of PAM , one who follows Ninth commandment naturally.
One who abides in the scheme of Divine things as expected by it is in essence a living expression of the Ninth commandment. Can our presence make others forget themselves and remember God is the moot question for our self evaluation?. We all are enjoined to get this condition as it is a commandment of the Divine and the Goal given to us by our beloved Master.
It is quite obvious from the sequence of the commandments given by our Master that commandment 5 & 7 precede commandment 9. While implementing commandment 5 & 7 we actually go through the sufferings. But the flowers of this suffering we get at commandment 9. If we can understand commandment 9 then our whole attitude towards miseries and suffering take a totally different approach.
Normally all people remember themselves either positively during success or negatively while undergoing sufferings. They will be cursing themselves, the surroundings and also God for all the afflictions. This attitude will increase the web of thoughts leading further entrenchment instead of getting relief from the samskaric load . On the contrary, if one remembers Master which one is ought to be doing then one gets liberated from the bondage through the suffering. It is to be taken as a commandment in the sense that it is only the way to liberation from such binds and that is the law of karma

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