Page 155 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 155

Love is the Inner awakening to Reality
Thus Reality in its nakedness is barren desolate and the way to approach it should be such that the seeker is not trapped by feelings of attraction or charm, that is to state in different words, the aspect of the Divine we should adopt for meditation should be devoid of all sensory inputs and connotations. This is what we do when we meditate in PAM on light without luminosity.
Turning now to the key words referred to in the beginning of the article, we see that love is treated as identical with the awakening to Reality. I would take the liberty of taking it as Love of the Divine begins in its real sense only after the awakening to the Immanent Divine Reality in the heart is accomplished. The seeker after Reality is proceeding initially towards it through a sense of awe and wonder created by the magnificent work and display of Creation and is overcome by the insatiable thirst for getting at the core of it all. As the Master puts it the above longing for Reality itself gives a new life, that is, the inner life opens up before him, the hitherto unknown world, as he was so long busy enjoying the sensory objects, material and mental.
‘Longing for Reality brings the person to the right path. It gives a new life to the sleeping condition of a man and prepares him for the highest approach reserved for human beings’ (SDG p.128).
The enabling factors in this great pursuit are his efforts and experiences in the past lives, the inspiring teachings and examples of the great sages and saints who have traveled the path before and not the least and in fact the prime factor, that is the love of God Himself towards His offspring. As it has been said only those attain Him who are so chosen by Him.
Our present state is graphically described by the Master as quoted below.

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