Page 156 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 156

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
‘When we were born into this world for the first time we were pure, because the source from which we have descended is purity...and in our innumerable births we have gathered around us different types of grossness by our actions.. so that in course of time we become to resemble the silk-worm that has spun a cocoon around itself..his life is one of artificiality and full of grossness both in the level of action as well as results. The original purity has been reduced to a faint glimmer that is barely perceptible.. all memory of his original source or homeland is now forgotten (SDG-P.19).
We are totally oblivious to our real nature because of the complex network intentionally woven by our selves enmeshing the inner core of Reality and we can truly say we are asleep in the spiritual sense. It is only the Master of caliber, an awakened soul Himself and who has traveled the entire distance and has established Himself in the Ultimate condition who can bring us out of the stupor and torpidity through the exercise of His own inner powers. It is only the person who is wide awake can wake up another from his slumber. The Master says elsewhere that it is the Master or trainer who awakens and accelerates the dormant forces in the abhyasi and propels him on the path through the process of Pranahuti.
When this process of awakening is accomplished successfully the aspirant imperiences the presence of the Divine within and without and is overcome by strong emotional feelings even ecstatic, feels acutely his smallness and irrelevance in the scheme of things and also awe and wonder. As he progresses deeper into the imperience, he realizes that nothing is greater than He. As the Great Master puts it He was immersed in a sea of wonder while imperiencing the above condition. He also starts feeling that everything is His including his own little being with all its so-called belongings from the

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