Page 252 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 252

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
harmonious existence which is the expression of real happiness in the Divine lila.
Revered Master says we have to open ourselves to embrace to Reality i.e the real way of living, which is possible only when the boundary of things is crossed. Here the meaning of boundary means our limited self extended to some extent to our own kith and kin, close family members etc. We are not concerned about others thinking that they are separate from us and have no link with them. This thought of limited self has developed the qualities of selfishness, prejudices, hatred etc. Revered Master says we have to open ourselves from this limited self to be embraced to Reality. The Reality is that we are children of God connected to each other. We are never independent from others. We have lost sight of oneness due to the defective moulding of the mind tilting towards material, selfish and self centered and that has led to the present state of degradation. In reality we are limitless. Our consciousness can grow infinitely. Master says when you begin to embrace the reality it echoes towards you also. For this we have to open ourselves willingly. However for getting this kind of experience of reality, Master says the dogmas will do you no good, they will attach you to their own narrow sphere. I understand the dogmas are the superstitions we have towards the worship of God. Worship of God should enable us to gain freedom from all our bondages and experience our limitless condition which is our true nature. The practicants of PAM are fortunate to have this experience several times during the sessions of Pranahuti and no amount of talking can convince others.
Revered Master says scriptures will give you the clue to Reality. But you will have to proceed yourself. That is the reason why ISRC has made prerequisites to join the system as: Willingness to practice the system by

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