Page 254 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 254

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
Regular exposures to the sessions of Pranahuti during Individual sittings, Satsangs and Bhandaras give us lot of purity and enable us to maintain it. This purity is the Divine power that all of us have, may be at different levels. This can be utilized for the good of others by regularly attending to 9.00 P.M prayer and attending to point ‘A’ meditation. The more number of abhyasis attending the satsangs not only help themselves grow individually but also spread purity in the atmosphere thereby gradually reducing the impure thought pollution filled in the atmosphere. Thus we help Nature and slowly people start turning towards the sun instead of moving backward. Every abhyasi is responsible for bringing this change in the atmosphere and thereby have a definite role to play. Thus we all have to Gird up our loins and make a firm determination to practice the method sincerely and seriously.
Revered Master says the main feature of this system is that we get plenty of help from Master. Inspite of so much help many times we slip down yielding to lower tendencies of the mind, slow down in sadhana forgetting our responsibilities. According to my practical experience during such situations Individual sittings and taking inspiration from co-travellers on the path is of immense help. Time and tide waits for no man therefore it is we who have to make our life meaningful and purposeful. With the support of the Master, we are confident and courageous to play our role and we are proud to be the disciples of Sri Ramchandra. We take it as a matter of fortune to serve others, the quality which has been taught by our Master. Our experience is every work we do gives us happiness because it is Master’s work. Our efforts to practice Ten Commandments given by our Great Master as a way of living always make us yield to the Great Divine because it is not possible to practice them without His support. It is a continuous endeavour

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