Page 317 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 317

Demolition of the past is a chapter in the Natural Path
worshipper of God but finally he turns out to be a worshipper of mere material forms. He wants to proceed along spiritually but he falls upon materialism. He wants to develop subtleness but instead he goes on contracting grossness.
Why is it so? It may be due to his hankering after the enjoyments of the senses. Man’s physical form being the only thing open to his view all his life, the body consciousness remains predominant in all phases of activity. In everything that he does he seeks for some sort of pleasure. He never likes to accept, follow or undertake anything that does not seem to promise him the expected joy. That is perhaps the only charm for which he undertakes worship, devotion or anything by way of sadhana. To him peace means the satisfaction of the material desires and worship, devotion, religion are all the sources of Ananda or Bliss, commonly understood in the sense of physical pleasure. As such, it is all material pursuit, quite apart from spirituality. That is why he is finally faced with adverse results.
He must therefore come up to the thorough understanding of the fact that for the attainment of real peace or bliss, one must definitely rise above sense cravings. This is the main point to be kept in view from the beginning. He must therefore, be fully convinced that the means he has adopted do actually lead him that way and that his vritties (tendencies of mind) are being gradually silenced”.
The human body has been vouchsafed to us thro’ gratuitous grace of God. Even Devas possessed of highest authority and commanding the greatest power long for a human body since only thro’ human body, is it possible to achieve God Realisation, the sole objective of the embodied existence. The human body has been bestowed on a jiva journeying from the time of creation with a

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