Page 319 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 319

Demolition of the past is a chapter in the Natural Path
9. Sri. N.V. Madhava Rao
The topic for this seminar is taken from the message delivered by Rev. Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj on the Eve of His 82nd birthday celebrations at Malaysia on 30-04-1981 and the title is craving of the soul.
When a person thinks of getting back to the original state that he came from in the beginning i.e. when he starts to feel that he is not happy with his current level of consciousness and would like to move on to higher level of consciousness and on to the highest level of consciousness, we can say that the aspiration has started. For this movement to happen one of the primary things to happen is the demolition of the past.
From the current state when a person looks back, the past is filled with experiences, images, ideas, ideologies, imaginations, habits, etc. These are there till they are removed either consciously with the assistance of PAM or when they come to fruition through Bhoga. This past is created by using the life force for ego satisfaction, Sense gratification, gross materialism or in some cases the incorrect practices for realization etc. In such an endeavour the person feels that he is the one who is doing it, or knows it or enjoys it adding to the load that is already present. The web was started from the first attachment in the very first life of the individual and it got more and more intricate and complicated with each and every attachment in that and consecutive lives.
The load varies from person to person depending on his current state of consciousness and the path/route taken by him to come to his level of consciousness. It also depends on the capacity in which he does things (Shakta, Bhakta or a Banda), the type of acts and activities he is involved in (Simple bare necessities, things that are

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