Page 352 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 352

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
urges etc which are also to be moderated to the extent that it should just meet the requirements for survival from the above said desires and wishes. Often it takes quite long a time in sadhana to resolve the inner conflicts between our desires and the spiritual goal. May be that is the sadhana itself. When we start understanding the purpose of life and its higher aspirations through regular meditation, purification and fomentation through Pranahuti, we are in a position to give much higher precedence to the goal as we understand to be our higher Self and not as a separate activity then we stop bothering about our petty desires or wishes of our lower self. This can also be understood as the first step in negation. Babuji goes further and uses the term negation of negation and says when you do not know whatever you love and also that you are loving. I understand it to be naturally living for the Master and he forgets to seek anything for himself. This was very beautifully and figuratively expressed in the article – A FAQIR'S WEALTH from Silence Speaks
“.... Let us ponder over the state of mind he is in. He has approached the Master with the object of begging for his bounties, but he is so much lost that he does not even remember that he has approached him for having his bowl filled. The bowl is presented forth without a word of begging, so much so that he is not even aware of whom he stands before. So much lost is he as to have madly rushed in, where even the last spark to illumine the grandeur of the place is extinct. The hands holding the bowl are alone held up, so much lost is he... .... What would then be the condition of the beggar? He shall be permanently residing in a state of contentment which cannot be matched even by the greatest riches of a king...”
If we ponder over the above article, from the sadhaka view point, the state of contentment should reign

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