Page 354 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 354

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
compliant from being a complaint. Infact one does not have explicit liking and disliking and sometimes the mind refuses to qualify the things. It has been my practical experience that I would not like to choose but like to accept whatever is offered. Right now it is truer in case of the food that is offered in the house. But I think it is the general state of mind. It in anyway does not mean one is lacking the discriminating ability or Viveka but mind does not like to spend much time on the trivia’s. The remembrance of the Master is engrossed on the heart to such an extent that one simply rejects to consider matters which are routine. I do hope this is the condition experienced by all my brethren.
Somehow the feelings of vairagya that have come to pass have left me bewildered in a sense that it is difficult to explain to others in the society that it is not a negative approach but infact it is an integrative approach to life because the balance and happy state of mind is seldom affected due to denials in life and one takes life as it comes. Certain sense of equanimity is had, the first fruits of Master’s entry into our life. The states of vairagya have never left in me a feeling of despondency though at times I felt the drag on the heart which I oflate is being understood as the resistance to get rid off the samskaras. Ofcourse prior to that there were intellectual fears that detachment will lead to despondency. This was sheer ignorance of the inner condition of the heart where we have an admixture of the feelings of peace, detachment to the world, Love for the Master, love, kindness, empathy for our fellow beings and to other creatures of the Nature as well- a feeling of oneness with the Nature, aspiration for the Goal preceded by an urge for fulfillment of life’s purpose , a natural feeling of lowliness coupled with dependency on Master and above all a feeling of immense happiness, calmness etc. All

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