Page 558 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 558

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
this manner, “We now began to seek the method to revive our original condition. We searched for a proper man. If the thought deeply touched the core of the centre which is ultimately found in all centres, in other words, if somehow we touched the spirituality, the basic substance of all the centres, it produced a kind of trembling, and as every action has some result, it had its own, i.e., it would lead us to the proper man who is really spiritual. If we fall short of it, will move towards the person who has formed a personality, gross, in the garb of spirituality. We will always get the right person if the craving is for the realisation alone.” SDG- Method of training.
From the above, it can be seen that it has been very difficult for the Master to train people in the Natural path who either do not have Goal clarity or those who do not have real craving for the highest. It is essential for every sadhaka to know the two most important things about themselves:
a) Goal clarity
b) Real craving for the Goal
If we are sure about the above two aspects, then the next step is the self evaluation of our progress w.r.t the goal. At this point, I would like to bring to your notice that, we are being educated and trained by our beloved Guide Pujya KC Narayana garu in our institute - the ISRC that one needs to be accountable to oneself in sadhana i.e. one has to strive constantly and mould oneself to attain the goal. We do not notice that the same kind of accountability as expected in most of the prevalent religious and spiritual organizations. They may not have felt the need for the same for Divinisation is an event happens all of a sudden by the grace of their Lord or Guru.
But in the Natural path propounded by Sri RamchandraJi Maharaj, Moulding oneself is a very

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