Page 576 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 576

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
him. Later as thinking matures, he may face situations which test naturalness in such attitude and if still he clings to the idea of retaining that attitude at that point without help of the guide, he becomes unnatural and unhappy. Moreover he will be missing wider perspective of the situation. Similarly, one may be seen disclosing many things with idea that he is truthful in early days of practice. It may be true to some extent, for it requires some courage to face consequences thereof. Later, he will give consideration to pros and cons of doing so and resort to consider other attributes like non-harming, etc.
Master warns that one will fasten himself to ways of thinking and practices so rigidly that he will not listen to the extricatory methods. That means if we do not keep the limitlessness in view, to change our attitudes with respect to the goal of balance and happiness, our betterment / refinement will be up to that extent only.
As Master says, our original condition is subdued; we drifted away from it by competency. We use the same competency to revert back to original condition. We ought to be free from awareness of competency after some point. Space shuttles utilize force of rockets to orbit them around planet. If they are not detached from rockets, the axis will change and surely collapse after some time, as rockets will not be designed to propel infinitely. Adherence to subtle methods and avoiding grosser methods is essential to proceed in the righteous path for one to succeed to come into contact with reality.
'Human effort, I do feel, is necessary; but a human effort that resists the Divine movement is not likely to meet with success.' (Dr KCVW vol I -465 pathway to liberation) ‘You see, conscious obstruction is easy to handle, but the real difficulty is with unconscious opposition. It is possible to have unconscious opposition even though there is conscious acceptance.’ (Dr KCVW

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