Page 661 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 661

the clue in one of his letters to revered Shri KC Varadachari thus:
“Just as God, through divine will brought into effect this vast creation, so did the man bring into effect his own tiny creation by his own will. The result was that his real self got completely enwrapped within the thick covering of grossness. Now the agencies working for it are mainly Manas (psyche), Chit (consciousness), Buddhi (intellect) and Ahankar (ego).They lead to the formation of sanskaras and all these things collectively form a sort of network, round the real self. That is the true picture of our tiny creation. The only solution is to bring this creation to a state of dissolution (Pralaya). When this covering is shattered off and the real self emerges out of it, the real life of spirit (Atman) begins. That is what spirituality must be taken to mean. This is what I wanted to denote by the sentence “Give up all thy belongings!” But man goes on developing the activities of agencies mentioned above; he continues adding to his material existence in the form of his tiny creation. Thus, instead of dissolving, he makes it all the more solid. The only method is to give up, or, surrender everything to the supreme master”.
Thus, desirelessness paves way for stopping further sanskaras, and surrender everything to the Master is the way for dissolving the previous sanskaras. So, the load of sanskaras and vasanas has to be gradually alleviated through regular practice.
As stated above, mind is responsible for binding(attachment) or detachment. If the mind is engaged in constant remembrance of the goal (which is, the MASTER) and in contemplation that all our three-fold actions (Manasa, vachasa, sariranaha) are of the Master,

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