Page 662 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 662

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
for the Master, and performed by the Master, lead us towards the goal since all actions converge into Him, and do not belong to the individual. In other words, we should dedicate ourselves with head, heart, and hand irrevocably. That should be practised.
We do not distinguish between the Master and the Divine – it is one and the same. Thus our practice will have the pious Divine touch every moment of our march towards the goal – the Infinite. Whatever we get and/or consume during that march or journey (in the path of grace of divine) will become pious. To a true seeker, whatever comes along the way is a success and encouraging, since it is a divine gift. So, every step forward during the journey is a success, since we are unmindful of the results, for, the actions and the results are consigned to the Master. Thus, success moving towards our goal is a progressive journey. Our journey is an internal journey – transformation – (becoming THAT) – that state in which our Master is. For evolving into the final state – at every state, you have to know where you are and what you are – ‘To find yourself’ at any particular state, you have to ‘first lose yourself’ of the previous state. Each state is a new one in so far as the transformation has taken place.
Happiness is to be derived under all circumstances, all the way during our journey. Only thing is, we should never leave Master’s helping hand while walking along with Him. If He feels that the path is difficult for us to tread at any particular stretch, He Himself would walk that stretch lifting us into his hands. I mean to say, we become so absorbed ourselves during any difficult stages of life, that, when we look back at a later stage, we find only His footprints (without having any trace of our footprints in that particular stretch). That is

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