Page 670 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 670

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
way, led by the misdirected tendencies of the mind. We have been taking a crude view of everything, corresponding with the baser inclinations of the mind. Everything has gone on growing denser and grosser to our view. The heart and the brain being influenced thereby began to contact the same defect. Covering after covering began to set in, obscuring Reality from view. This will go on till accidentally a time may come when a gush of reality having blown into the heart may cause an awakening within. It is then man comes to a proper understanding of the real values and feels induced to resort to mending his disturbed state. (SS p 489 & 490) That Revered Babuji continued to advise us “One who in this world is sure to taste miseries. One cannot escape from it. That is why we try to get rid of these things by going into penance, and Rishis (sages) have devoted themselves thoroughly towards it. There is no remedy for overcoming these miseries except devoting ourselves towards Godly thoughts of purest nature. So the process we adopt is that we go deeper and deeper into the vast expanse. The force of going towards it draws in the water spreading into all corners towards the force of pious thoughts. The result is that the scattered superfluous things come to the main and supreme current which is now to flow towards the Almighty – the main goal and place of our destination”. (SS.507 & 508)
Revered Babuji was not tired of dinning into our ears any number of times stressing repeatedly that” the sufferings and ailments are indispensable for the body and they help much in the purification process. A great benefit which we derive from them is that in that case the watchful eye of the Master remains on the devotee and that means closer contact and nearness. Nature is the greatest healer, so they say. It is a clear proof to show that the sympathies of the Master are turned more towards an 670

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