Page 672 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 672

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
away our thoughts from vain regrets. This degree of submission to Divinity is not only just and right, it is the very gate of wisdom. When we have surrendered all, our troubles cease; not that they have been eliminated but we have risen above them.
The sufferings and sorrows in life will help desperate and depressed man to rediscover his inherent potential, his innate and infinite greatness.
In spite of intense pain and agony due to His illness, Lalaji Maharaj despite entreaties from his disciples refused to get them cured thro’ prayers to the Divinity stating that “nothing can come to me, except from Lord! Therefore it must be for my good. can you refuse something which God sends to you”. He has shown us thus the way by his exemplary example.
We have to comprehend that all sufferings of men are right as effects, their causes being the mistakes of ignorance. Nothing can be more loving than that we should experience the consequences of ignorance and error and so become perfected thro’ suffering.
It is said that suffering is a part of life and suffering is a teacher. We would miss some of the best lessons of life, if suffering did not come to us. Many do not recognize this truth and do all they can to avoid a seemingly painful experience. But trouble can never be dodged. The unpleasant experience recedes only for a while, to return to us again, wearing a more formidable form. By avoiding trouble, we invite greater trouble at a later date. Unfortunately, some support their misery, nourishes it, takes care that it does not leave them because it is only their companion and also they have the leisure to bother about it.

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