Page 731 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 731

I understood now that Happiness can not be had by a mere intellectual knowledge about it or by a full conviction of its importance. Being happy should be natural and from within. To live naturally in a happy state should be part of our consciousness and unless our consciousness is purified, we can not live in that state all through. I think the consciousness of a person can be known by the principles/values he is living in. So, for us to be happy we should “live in” the permanent values and not succumb to temporary values or to put in other words to know how happy we are we can see how naturally we are living in higher values.
Happiness is possible only when we have no conflict with ourselves (If there is a conflict between our higher self and lower self, even then, the happiness is not feasible i.e. Unless our life is in tune with the way Divine wants us to live, happiness is not feasible). So the principles that we live-in should be in tune with the way Divine wants us to live. Happiness will be natural when the purpose of our life and the Goal of our life are in tune with each other.
Happiness is possible only when we have no conflicts with others as our happiness is also affected by others happiness / unhappiness. So to be happy we should live in the values of interdependence. Unless we understand this interdependency, being happy under all circumstances is not feasible. Unless we live in the values of service, sacrifice and cooperation we will not be able to live happy and along with others. So the principles we chose to live in should also be in tune with giving happiness to everyone. I think, that is why the seminar topic is found under the heading, “Love Universal”. When we love God, we love everybody and the undue

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