Page 95 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 95

Suffering is the root and results are flowers
materialistic world, remembering God even while swimming against tide of sufferings and miseries and elevates himself to extra materialistic horizons, he becomes free from pain of repeated birth and death.
Practice of Ten commandments and PAM only will lead one to the final goal of life and ensures deliverance from pain. That is the natural way. Master emphasized the true importance of the role of sufferings and miseries in one’s life and considered it as a medium of deliverance from worldly entanglements by embedding in into the system’s structure i.e,by enunciating Commandment No. 5. In this message of the Master he concludes “.. which every associate should strive hard to have.” He further added that trouble reminds us of its silent stage. We get comfort in the state of discomfort.. We develop forbearance.. really speaking, the difficulties are the operations of Nature for our good”.
It is a well known saying that as Gold passing through the fire grows more and more glittering so also a seeker passing through and quietly subjugating himself to travails and tribulations grows subtler and subtler more and more devoid of his own power and more and more deserving of Divine Grace.
Fomentation by spiritual guide and Master is the only paneacea for sufferings, miseries etc.
12. Sri I.V. Chalapathi Rao
With reference to the topic of the seminar, Master is specifically talking about the need to undergo the Bhog of Samskaras to attain freedom. Undergoing Bhog usually entails suffering to the individual. Freedom from this i.e suffering is sought by many and this has been understood as the goal. So Master cautions us to understand the concept of freedom itself and stresses the need to define

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