Page 105 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 9
P. 105

 Reality dawns upon him alone who goes back along with Nature making himself subtler and subtler
The topic of the seminar is of seminal interest in the present day context of life. The topic chosen is from the article Peep into reality by the Master. It needs no special stress to state that there are problems and difficulties that need to be attended to expeditiously and all solutions are being tried without going into the root of the matter. People get lost because they think that there are thousands of problems in the world - inflation, drought, stress, children which drive them crazy. But in fact the world has only one problem- a disorder in the minds of people that stop us from seeing reality that stops us from acting correctly. There is a dark veil that exists in our heads- it is as though we are all blind. We see with our eyes, hear with our ears and smell with our noses but we do not perceive with our minds. This functional disturbance of the mind stops human beings from fulfilling the purpose of transformation of humanity for which we are created by the Master.
In the path of spirituality there are mainly three categories of persons:

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