Page 254 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 9
P. 254

rewiring. Meditation and cleaning processes thus gain paramount importance in our efforts to transform.
We should remember that in the original place it took regular action to install our unwanted habit patterns and attitudes possibly over the course of several lifetimes and so it will take regular action and considerable time to undo it. This is where our will comes in as also the help we get from Pranahuti. We strengthen our will, as well as our new habits with repetition. Every time we consciously reject the urge to give in to our bad habit, we strengthen our will. Every time we consciously undertake an action to install a new, positive habit, it becomes easier. This is how we rewire our brain and overcome our addictions and change our attitudes.
When these habits are of a positive nature, this self-reinforcing cycle produces positive results, but the contrary is also true. In other words, consciously acting to install positive habits strengthens our will and further attracts more similar experiences. Giving in to bad habits weakens our will, not only making it harder to install good habits, but doing so may cause us to lose the good habits we already had. This is the logic behind the principles of aanukoolyasya sankalpa and

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