Page 85 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 9
P. 85

is it not true that your attics are filled with this? Is it not true that your library is filled with these books, with these types of videotapes, with these types of audiotapes, is it not true? It’s a pungent remark that I have got but then is it true or not? Control of mind is possible only when your mind is treading on the Divine. I repeat Master’s article on “Control of Mind” one of the messages at Madras, it is the nature of mind to be in tune with Divinity that is the parallelism that you are referring to in the previous line. Mind is in tune with Divine and anything other than the Divine it throws out, it’s a refuse. If you have got to control your mind, you must read only divine literature. If your mind is confused it is because you are reading rubbish. Then why read rubbish and then complain that your mind is confused or is having conflicting ideas? Why don’t you read only noble literature? Why don’t you read only things, which are divine? Why don’t you make it more and more pure by effort? ‘No, Master said Sir that he would do that job’. Here the Master refers again to the Divinity. Divine expels your rubbish, it does its duty, it controls your mind. Please note the Divine controls your mind. That is why it is throwing out rubbish continuously. Whatever you are trying to put, it throws out. The help of the Master is always
there. The Divinity is as I told you, our best friend 73

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