Page 10 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 10
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
Shri Ram Chandraji of Shahjahanpur is a unique personality in many ways. He is unlike other yogis because His Yoga is called Sahaj Marg, the normal divine life which is capable of being accepted and followed by every human being, without any difference of race or caste or creed. He is not dogmatic but a practical idealist, testing every one of His methods by anubhava or experience. He is a householder living the ordinary life of a family man with all the duties and responsibilities belonging to that station and life (asrama). His simplicity and purity and all pervading peace are rare qualities. He enthuses every one who meets Him with this godly aspiration for Ultimate peace and simplicity and liberation both within and without, and what is more, has been able to train persons belonging to different levels of varna and asrama to live this divine life of purity, simplicity and peace amongst their fellowmen.
Shri Ram Chandraji’s life was entirely spent at Shahjahanpur as an official in the District Court at that place. Uneventful in respect of the world, it was spiritually packed with sadhana, which his Guru trained Him in. He attained the highest limits of spiritual attainment in the brief span of thirty years. He was chosen to be the representative of His Master by His Master and since then He has been carrying on that work. Though as He puts it, all the powers of Nature are vested in Him yet since they are not the be-all and end-all and in fact they are the refuse of