Page 12 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 12
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
in the four works, which have been written from the spiritual level, namely the Reality at Dawn, Commentary on the Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg, Efficacy of Raja Yoga and Towards Infinity.
In the Reality at Dawn Shri Ram Chandraji describes the Ultimate Experience as it was at the Dawn of Creation. In that state Reality is in its highest potentiality. It has been known as the Base and origin of Creation. It has been described as the Night before the Day. It is a condition or Reality as it is in itself before it had proceeded to manifest the creation. Philosophers usually describe this state as the causal condition or just Causa sui. Mystics of the Upanishads have held that this is what has to be known, this is the Brahman, this is the Reality which once being known all get known. It is described as Sat, as containing the root of all existence or satyasya satyam. This is the Asat in the sense that it is the Non- existence that was prior to all this existence. It is the That (Tam) which is to be known, seen and entered into if one seeks liberation from the cycle of births and deaths. The philosophers have claimed that this has to be contemplated upon if one seeks to attain Truth. In fact truth is the Ultimate-the Primal Being which is verily non-existence to all the ways of knowing that man has at his command- perception, inference, analogy and even the Sabda or scriptural revelation. But it is something that could be known perhaps by being instructed by the seer by means of transmission