Page 14 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 14
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
and sense and even the individual ego-sense. He is determined to realise Reality through thought if possible if not through being itself. In one sense then being becomes the mode by which Being can be apprehended or grasped or made real to oneself. This is the meaning of anu-bhava, which may be properly translated as imperience rather than experience. It is an in-tuition rather than intellection or discursive and dichotomic dialectic.
Reality is then what is to be known. It is to be known through the integral experience or imperience of the heart, which is the living organ in every human being. Considered in the context of anubhava the heart has reasons, which the head or intellect can never be aware of and more often the heart is right though the head refuses to credit it with wisdom. In other words, the anubhava that leads to the realisation of Reality is something different in kind from what operates through the head or intellect. This leads to the question whether these are not opposites. The thought that operates through intellect is, in nature, identical with that which works through the heart, but as Shri Ram Chandraji points out, there is inversion a phenomenon which we can witness in all cases of movement - a wavy process that causes inversion - the right becomes left, the up becomes down. This is the principle of Invertendo, which He expounds in His works. It is this principle that leads to our world - experiences and takes us from grossness to