Page 16 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 16
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
characterised by Peace, Calm, Plenitude and Simplicity and Infinity. It is the ‘That’ (Tam). Union with this is liberation and perfection and realisation, of one’s nature. To live with it is to attain the real thing which is natural to the human individual or individual as such. It is Sahaja - the natural condition arising from living with the Ultimate Reality which is the very stuff and soul of oneself in all one’s levels of existence from the subtlest to the grossest, from deep transcendent awareness to the sensory-motor life in the physical body. This is the deep aspiration within each individual to attain union with one’s deepest being and force of being or existence. This is the final Resting place and abode of all creatures aspiring for liberation.
Disunion with this Source and ground never really completely happens. But manifestation or creation happens by an inexplicable movement from this Ultimate Ground and Source and this force or movement (ksobh) is what is known as Manas or thought. This is in fact what is the beginning of creative diffusion of the force, which is both thought and intelligence and the cause of all the levels of manifestation. It is suggested that this original primal impulsion from within is of the nature of Living sustaining breath (prana) which sustains all the creation from the Parabrahmanda to the Pinda (gross physical world). But it must be remembered that the original manas continues to abide in a very gross