Page 18 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 18
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
Pleasure that culminates in its opposite, and an adventure that becomes its opposite viz. cowardice and fear cannot obviously be the goal of man. The opposite tendency is to seek the origin and return to it because all the outward movements have become exhausted, in their results. Having come down to the level of veriest matter and sense and found that all these lead to bondage and suffering, one returns to the original self-nature-giving up attachment to the sensory and motor worlds and ego-centricisms. This is the path of renunciation.
According to the exponents of Divine Evolutionism, divine evolution or the evolution by the Divine Force is not a movement to the centre, from which it has started but a movement away from the centre whose infinity is sought to be exhibited in terms of multiplicity in terms of space-time. In fact it is asserted that this outward going dynamism is really continuous with the Centre which supports the multiplicity and grossness and once this is restored or kept up constantly it will be a play of ecstasy and acceptance rather than the rejection of the manifestation or creation. Rejection of manifestation is not necessary nor inevitable for the realisation of the Divine freedom, which is freedom realised and experienced in terms of manifestation and multiplicity. But the grossening process in the last terms of the downward or descending process leaves evolution in the grip of materiality and immutability. So much so