Page 128 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 128
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
But neglecting altogether the really essential hygienic and spiritual basis of food, we must not be whimsical, thinking that it is defiled if merely touched by one other than of a particular sect, even though he be more innocent, pious and spiritually elevated. Hindus have experienced sufficiently and ought now to realize that the present day policy of food is neither social nor spiritual. In support of my views I quote below the words of Svami Vivekanandaji who is an authority on spiritual subjects, “The extravagant meaningless fanaticism which has driven religion entirely to kitchens as may be noticed in many of our sects, without any hope of noble truth of that religion ever coming out to the sunlight of spirituality, is a peculiar sort of pure and simple materialism. It is neither jnana, nor karma nor bhakti. It is a special kind of lunacy and those who pin their souls to it are more likely to go to the lunatic asylum than to brahma - loka”.
Another external thing necessary for the beginner is that he should practise restraint in thought, word and deed so as not to injure the feelings and prick the hearts of others. If he does not restrain himself he spoils his own heart. The reaction affects him unnoticed.