Page 127 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 127
- Meditation is the foundation of spirituality
I have discussed sufficiently as far as my anubhava or reading of Nature allowed me. I may now add a few lines for the seekers, to reveal to them the secret of success. Meditation is the foundation of spirituality. If you meditate having your real goal before you, you are sure to arrive at the destination. There are ways and ways converging towards the real goal and they are discussed in various scriptures sufficiently. There are external forces too, helping us to the destination if properly guided.
The Eastern thinkers have taken special regard of the question of food. It should be cooked neatly and cleanly in a proper manner. That is the hygienic point. But if it is sattvik andiscookedinconstantremembranceofGod, its effect will be surprising. And if it is taken meditating all the while on God it will cure all kinds of spiritual diseases and remove things which hinder our progress. I have not to say much about it as it has already been dealt with sufficiently in our books.