Page 138 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 138
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
and to realise happiness in terms of the wants of his body. It is true that some mighty minds have held that all this searching for happiness in the world by adapting the world to one’s needs and happiness cannot avail, and the precariousness of the achievement is more to be known. True also indeed they have counselled that in transitoriness of happiness achieved there can be no real happiness. They have also held that the very definition of illusion is precisely transitoriness of all happiness. The search for the eternal and permanent happiness is the real search and this entails this renunciation of the search for the transitory happiness or success. However, man is not quite prepared for this renunciation of the transitory happiness which according to him is in the hand, for the sake of the permanent happiness which is far off. Better the bondage of the immediate if it is pleasant than the freedom of the eternal which needs renunciation of the immediate. So too the renunciation of finiteness or individuality is impossible because of the promise of attainment of the Infinite.
Surely men have sought a different solution for wish fulfillment. They would like to realise the eternal in the temporal, the infinite in the finite, the unbounded in the bounded, spirit in the bosom of matter, and so on, because of the double demand of the human nature for both the worlds. There have grown several philosophies which seek to do justice to the claims of man’s desires or wishes here and yonder. That philosophies are governed by such