Page 139 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 139
Sri Ramchandra's Commandments : Foreword
desires and wishes is a fact that reveals the psychological roots of their thinking. Such thinking has not released itself from the goal-directing impulse, and rightly too, though it must be confessed that reality is not capable of being a goal unless all happiness-claim is dropped whether it is of the temporal or the eternal order. Reality has a claim to be known for itself without the limitations and strictures of desire for any goals such as happiness or pleasure or power. It is to be known as it is in itself and for itself; that is the law of one’s real being and reality. Man feels his reality to be of paramount concern and the realisation of that reality is the basic impulse of his being; and happiness, pleasure, power and so on are just means considered and surrendered on the march towards his own reality - realisation.
The methods by which this reality consciousness is to be attained are of great antiquity and had varying fortunes just because of man’s dual aims. It is only when one seeks oneself that one realises one’s reality and not when one turns to the world to realise oneself or oneself in it. Several indeed have been the philosophies that imagined or built up the systems and they have become incapable of showing the way to the reality-consciousness. Nor was liberation achieved with their help.
A return to the need for personal experience of the Ultimate has become urgent, and most people tired of philosophies and logistics and so-called rationality are